


struct              WebKitWebResource;
const gchar *       webkit_web_resource_get_uri         (WebKitWebResource *resource);
WebKitURIResponse * webkit_web_resource_get_response    (WebKitWebResource *resource);
void                webkit_web_resource_get_data        (WebKitWebResource *resource,
                                                         GCancellable *cancellable,
                                                         GAsyncReadyCallback callback,
                                                         gpointer user_data);
guchar *            webkit_web_resource_get_data_finish (WebKitWebResource *resource,
                                                         GAsyncResult *result,
                                                         gsize *length,
                                                         GError **error);

Object Hierarchy



  "response"                 WebKitURIResponse*    : Read
  "uri"                      gchar*                : Read


  "failed"                                         : Run Last
  "finished"                                       : Run Last
  "received-data"                                  : Run Last
  "sent-request"                                   : Run Last



struct WebKitWebResource

struct WebKitWebResource;

webkit_web_resource_get_uri ()

const gchar *       webkit_web_resource_get_uri         (WebKitWebResource *resource);

Returns the current active URI of web_view. The active URI might change during a load operation:

  1. When the resource load starts, the active URI is the requested URI

  2. When the initial request is sent to the server, "sent-request" signal is emitted without a redirected response, the active URI is the URI of the request sent to the server.

  3. In case of a server redirection, "sent-request" signal is emitted again with a redirected response, the active URI is the URI the request was redirected to.

  4. When the response is received from the server, the active URI is the final one and it will not change again.

You can monitor the active URI by connecting to the notify::uri signal of resource.

resource :

a WebKitWebResource

Returns :

the current active URI of resource

webkit_web_resource_get_response ()

WebKitURIResponse * webkit_web_resource_get_response    (WebKitWebResource *resource);

Retrieves the WebKitURIResponse of the resource load operation. This method returns NULL if called before the response is received from the server. You can connect to notify::response signal to be notified when the response is received.

resource :

a WebKitWebResource

Returns :

the WebKitURIResponse, or NULL if the response hasn't been received yet. [transfer none]

webkit_web_resource_get_data ()

void                webkit_web_resource_get_data        (WebKitWebResource *resource,
                                                         GCancellable *cancellable,
                                                         GAsyncReadyCallback callback,
                                                         gpointer user_data);

Asynchronously get the raw data for resource.

When the operation is finished, callback will be called. You can then call webkit_web_resource_get_data_finish() to get the result of the operation.

resource :

a WebKitWebResource

cancellable :

a GCancellable or NULL to ignore. [allow-none]

callback :

a GAsyncReadyCallback to call when the request is satisfied. [scope async]

user_data :

the data to pass to callback function. [closure]

webkit_web_resource_get_data_finish ()

guchar *            webkit_web_resource_get_data_finish (WebKitWebResource *resource,
                                                         GAsyncResult *result,
                                                         gsize *length,
                                                         GError **error);

Finish an asynchronous operation started with webkit_web_resource_get_data().

resource :

a WebKitWebResource

result :

a GAsyncResult

length :

return location for the length of the resource data. [out]

error :

return location for error or NULL to ignore

Returns :

a string with the data of resource, or NULL in case of error. if length is not NULL, the size of the data will be assigned to it. [transfer full]

Property Details

The "response" property

  "response"                 WebKitURIResponse*    : Read

The WebKitURIResponse associated with this resource.

The "uri" property

  "uri"                      gchar*                : Read

The current active URI of the WebKitWebResource. See webkit_web_resource_get_uri() for more details.

Default value: NULL

Signal Details

The "failed" signal

void                user_function                      (WebKitWebResource *resource,
                                                        gpointer           error,
                                                        gpointer           user_data)      : Run Last

This signal is emitted when an error occurs during the resource load operation.

resource :

the WebKitWebResource

error :

the GError that was triggered

user_data :

user data set when the signal handler was connected.

The "finished" signal

void                user_function                      (WebKitWebResource *resource,
                                                        gpointer           user_data)      : Run Last

This signal is emitted when the resource load finishes successfully or due to an error. In case of errors "failed" signal is emitted before this one.

resource :

the WebKitWebResource

user_data :

user data set when the signal handler was connected.

The "received-data" signal

void                user_function                      (WebKitWebResource *resource,
                                                        guint64            data_length,
                                                        gpointer           user_data)        : Run Last

This signal is emitted after response is received, every time new data has been received. It's useful to know the progress of the resource load operation.

resource :

the WebKitWebResource

data_length :

the length of data received in bytes

user_data :

user data set when the signal handler was connected.

The "sent-request" signal

void                user_function                      (WebKitWebResource *resource,
                                                        WebKitURIRequest  *request,
                                                        WebKitURIResponse *redirected_response,
                                                        gpointer           user_data)                : Run Last

This signal is emitted when request has been sent to the server. In case of a server redirection this signal is emitted again with the request argument containing the new request sent to the server due to the redirection and the redirected_response parameter containing the response received by the server for the initial request.

resource :

the WebKitWebResource

request :

a WebKitURIRequest

redirected_response :

a WebKitURIResponse, or NULL

user_data :

user data set when the signal handler was connected.