


struct              WebKitURIResponse;
const gchar *       webkit_uri_response_get_uri         (WebKitURIResponse *response);
guint               webkit_uri_response_get_status_code (WebKitURIResponse *response);
guint64             webkit_uri_response_get_content_length
                                                        (WebKitURIResponse *response);
const gchar *       webkit_uri_response_get_mime_type   (WebKitURIResponse *response);
gboolean            webkit_uri_response_get_https_status
                                                        (WebKitURIResponse *response,
                                                         GTlsCertificate **certificate,
                                                         GTlsCertificateFlags *errors);
const gchar *       webkit_uri_response_get_suggested_filename
                                                        (WebKitURIResponse *response);

Object Hierarchy



  "content-length"           guint64               : Read
  "mime-type"                gchar*                : Read
  "status-code"              guint                 : Read
  "suggested-filename"       gchar*                : Read
  "uri"                      gchar*                : Read



struct WebKitURIResponse

struct WebKitURIResponse;

webkit_uri_response_get_uri ()

const gchar *       webkit_uri_response_get_uri         (WebKitURIResponse *response);

response :

a WebKitURIResponse

Returns :

the uri of the WebKitURIResponse

webkit_uri_response_get_status_code ()

guint               webkit_uri_response_get_status_code (WebKitURIResponse *response);

Get the status code of the WebKitURIResponse as returned by the server. It will normally be a SoupKnownStatusCode, for example SOUP_STATUS_OK, though the server can respond with any unsigned integer.

response :

a WebKitURIResponse

Returns :

the status code of response

webkit_uri_response_get_content_length ()

guint64             webkit_uri_response_get_content_length
                                                        (WebKitURIResponse *response);

Get the expected content length of the WebKitURIResponse. It can be 0 if the server provided an incorrect or missing Content-Length.

response :

a WebKitURIResponse

Returns :

the expected content length of response.

webkit_uri_response_get_mime_type ()

const gchar *       webkit_uri_response_get_mime_type   (WebKitURIResponse *response);

response :

a WebKitURIResponse

Returns :

the MIME type of the WebKitURIResponse

webkit_uri_response_get_https_status ()

gboolean            webkit_uri_response_get_https_status
                                                        (WebKitURIResponse *response,
                                                         GTlsCertificate **certificate,
                                                         GTlsCertificateFlags *errors);

Retrieves the GTlsCertificate associated with the response connection, and the GTlsCertificateFlags showing what problems, if any, have been found with that certificate. If the response connection is not HTTPS, this function returns FALSE.

response :

a WebKitURIResponse

certificate :

return location for a GTlsCertificate. [out][transfer none]

errors :

return location for a GTlsCertificateFlags the verification status of certificate. [out]

Returns :

TRUE if response connection uses HTTPS or FALSE otherwise.

webkit_uri_response_get_suggested_filename ()

const gchar *       webkit_uri_response_get_suggested_filename
                                                        (WebKitURIResponse *response);

Get the suggested filename for response, as specified by the 'Content-Disposition' HTTP header, or NULL if it's not present.

response :

a WebKitURIResponse

Returns :

the suggested filename or NULL if the 'Content-Disposition' HTTP header is not present. [transfer none]

Property Details

The "content-length" property

  "content-length"           guint64               : Read

The expected content length of the response.

Default value: 0

The "mime-type" property

  "mime-type"                gchar*                : Read

The MIME type of the response.

Default value: NULL

The "status-code" property

  "status-code"              guint                 : Read

The status code of the response as returned by the server.

Default value: 0

The "suggested-filename" property

  "suggested-filename"       gchar*                : Read

The suggested filename for the URI response.

Default value: NULL

The "uri" property

  "uri"                      gchar*                : Read

The URI for which the response was made.

Default value: NULL