WebKitGTK 2.44.4 released

This is a bug fix release in the stable 2.44 series.

What’s new in WebKitGTK 2.44.4?

  • Add quirk to allow totale.rosettastone.com to load properly.
  • Fix webkit_web_resource_get_data() not working properly in some sites.
  • Fix not being able to jump-to-source in Web Inspector canvas traces.
  • Fix not being able to scroll list of WebGL shader programs in the Web Inspector.
  • Fix linker relocation errors on Debug/RelWithDebInfo builds.
  • Fix crashes when built with Clang with Link-Time Optimization (LTO).
  • Fix several crashes and rendering issues.


webkitgtk-2.44.4.tar.xz (34.2 MiB)
   md5sum: fd031b34f22c09f91e97cca3a7dbc426
   sha1sum: 3699ff9c9b84e755a0736e72dfd6e5a13151f7d6
   sha256sum: 2ce4ec1b78413035037aba8326b31ed72696626b7bea7bace5e46ac0d8cbe796