
WebKitNavigationPolicyDecision — A policy decision for navigation actions


struct              WebKitNavigationPolicyDecision;
enum                WebKitNavigationType;
const gchar *       webkit_navigation_policy_decision_get_frame_name
                                                        (WebKitNavigationPolicyDecision *decision);
guint               webkit_navigation_policy_decision_get_modifiers
                                                        (WebKitNavigationPolicyDecision *decision);
guint               webkit_navigation_policy_decision_get_mouse_button
                                                        (WebKitNavigationPolicyDecision *decision);
WebKitNavigationType webkit_navigation_policy_decision_get_navigation_type
                                                        (WebKitNavigationPolicyDecision *decision);
WebKitURIRequest *  webkit_navigation_policy_decision_get_request
                                                        (WebKitNavigationPolicyDecision *decision);

Object Hierarchy



  "frame-name"               gchar*                : Read
  "modifiers"                guint                 : Read
  "mouse-button"             guint                 : Read
  "navigation-type"          WebKitNavigationType  : Read
  "request"                  WebKitURIRequest*     : Read


WebKitNavigationPolicyDecision represents a policy decision for events associated with navigations. If the value of "mouse-button" is not 0, then the navigation was triggered by a mouse event.


struct WebKitNavigationPolicyDecision

struct WebKitNavigationPolicyDecision;

enum WebKitNavigationType

typedef enum {
} WebKitNavigationType;

Enum values used to denote the various navigation types.


The navigation was triggered by clicking a link.


The navigation was triggered by submitting a form.


The navigation was triggered by navigating forward or backward.


The navigation was triggered by reloading.


The navigation was triggered by resubmitting a form.


The navigation was triggered by some other action.

webkit_navigation_policy_decision_get_frame_name ()

const gchar *       webkit_navigation_policy_decision_get_frame_name
                                                        (WebKitNavigationPolicyDecision *decision);

Gets the value of the "frame-name" property.

decision :

a WebKitNavigationPolicyDecision

Returns :

The name of the new frame this navigation action targets or NULL

webkit_navigation_policy_decision_get_modifiers ()

guint               webkit_navigation_policy_decision_get_modifiers
                                                        (WebKitNavigationPolicyDecision *decision);

Gets the value of the "modifiers" property.

decision :

a WebKitNavigationPolicyDecision

Returns :

The modifiers active if this decision was triggered by a mouse event

webkit_navigation_policy_decision_get_mouse_button ()

guint               webkit_navigation_policy_decision_get_mouse_button
                                                        (WebKitNavigationPolicyDecision *decision);

Gets the value of the "mouse-button" property.

decision :

a WebKitNavigationPolicyDecision

Returns :

The mouse button used if this decision was triggered by a mouse event or 0 otherwise

webkit_navigation_policy_decision_get_navigation_type ()

WebKitNavigationType webkit_navigation_policy_decision_get_navigation_type
                                                        (WebKitNavigationPolicyDecision *decision);

Gets the value of the "navigation-type" property.

decision :

a WebKitNavigationPolicyDecision

Returns :

The type of navigation triggering this policy decision.

webkit_navigation_policy_decision_get_request ()

WebKitURIRequest *  webkit_navigation_policy_decision_get_request
                                                        (WebKitNavigationPolicyDecision *decision);

Gets the value of the "request" property.

decision :

a WebKitNavigationPolicyDecision

Returns :

The URI request that is associated with this navigation. [transfer none]

Property Details

The "frame-name" property

  "frame-name"               gchar*                : Read

If this navigation request targets a new frame, this property contains the name of that frame. For example if the decision was triggered by clicking a link with a target attribute equal to "_blank", this property will contain the value of that attribute. In all other cases, this value will be NULL.

Default value: NULL

The "modifiers" property

  "modifiers"                guint                 : Read

If the navigation associated with this policy decision was originally triggered by a mouse event, this property contains a bitmask of various GdkModifierType values describing the modifiers used for that click. If the navigation was not triggered by a mouse event or no modifiers were active, the value of this property will be zero.

Default value: 0

The "mouse-button" property

  "mouse-button"             guint                 : Read

If the navigation associated with this policy decision was originally triggered by a mouse event, this property contains non-zero button number of the button triggering that event. The button numbers match those from GDK. If the navigation was not triggered by a mouse event, the value of this property will be 0.

Default value: 0

The "navigation-type" property

  "navigation-type"          WebKitNavigationType  : Read

The type of navigation that triggered this policy decision. This is useful for enacting different policies depending on what type of user action caused the navigation.


The "request" property

  "request"                  WebKitURIRequest*     : Read

This property contains the WebKitURIRequest associated with this navigation.

See Also

WebKitPolicyDecision, WebKitWebView