

Declaration [src]

webkit_dom_mouse_event_init_mouse_event (
  WebKitDOMMouseEvent* self,
  const gchar* type,
  gboolean canBubble,
  gboolean cancelable,
  WebKitDOMDOMWindow* view,
  glong detail,
  glong screenX,
  glong screenY,
  glong clientX,
  glong clientY,
  gboolean ctrlKey,
  gboolean altKey,
  gboolean shiftKey,
  gboolean metaKey,
  gushort button,
  WebKitDOMEventTarget* relatedTarget


No description available.
Deprecated since:2.22

Use JavaScriptCore API instead.


type const gchar*

A #gchar.

 The data is owned by the caller of the function.
 The value is a NUL terminated UTF-8 string.
canBubble gboolean

A #gboolean.

cancelable gboolean

A #gboolean.

view WebKitDOMDOMWindow

A WebKitDOMDOMWindow.

 The data is owned by the caller of the function.
detail glong

A #glong.

screenX glong

A #glong.

screenY glong

A #glong.

clientX glong

A #glong.

clientY glong

A #glong.

ctrlKey gboolean

A #gboolean.

altKey gboolean

A #gboolean.

shiftKey gboolean

A #gboolean.

metaKey gboolean

A #gboolean.

button gushort

A #gushort.

relatedTarget WebKitDOMEventTarget

A WebKitDOMEventTarget.

 The data is owned by the caller of the function.